So you are thinking about the real estate profession. I will share with you some reflections from my personal experience in the industry to better help you decide whether or not it is a journey you should embark on. Many begin the process without thinking it through clearly and waste much time and effort when they fail. I will try my best to give you an accurate and unbiased view of the pros and cons of the business and whether or not you will be suited for the industry. It is definitely a time consuming and resource intensive road to getting your license. While many people will advertise all the positives about the industry, my intention is not to “sell” you into the world of real estate. This business is not without trials and the typically 9-5 mindset will not survive. I will try to describe both sides of the coin when sharing my experience in the industry to better help you decide whether or not it is a journey worth pursuing. My sincerest hopes is to help people who are on the fence to make the right decision whether or not to move forward into the industry.
Resilience and Overcoming Obstacles
The road to real estate is very exciting and filled with potential, however if you are thinking you will succeed overnight and it is going to be easy you are mistaken. This industry is dynamic and it’s not a business dependant on book smarts. The situations are unique to each deal and whatever they teach you in class is only surface knowledge. If you cannot take criticism and bounce back from screwing up this is not the career for you. There will be obstacle with every transaction and stress levels can get high. If you are easily discouraged with the first sign of difficulty and used to the “let me ask my boss” attitude I would suggest to look elsewhere to make your mark. Thick skin and fast mental reflexes are a must in this business and get used to being knocked down!

Integrity and Accountability
The industry of real estate is built on trust and reliability. Any compromise of these principles will guarantee a short lived career. Our governing bodies are focused on making sure that all practitioners are of sound principles and ethics when dealing with business transactions. I have noticed that real estate agents sometimes get a bad rap but in general most agents are doing their best and the industry standards are moving in the right direction. However there are no shortcuts to building a book of business. But if you are of sound character and have the communication skills to work with people you should consider this business. Relying on flashy sales skills and a short term mindset will not outlast those that are trustworthy and have a good ethical compass.